Six major stakeholders are identified through the Company’s CSR Committee and work relevance at different departments: investors, customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and authorities. We ensure that our communication channels remain open for all stakeholders and the sustainability issues that they care about, and we always respond to valuable comments brought forward by our stakeholders on the Company’s CSR and sustainable operation.
Stakeholder Issues Communication Channels and Frequency
Investors Shiny Chemical strives to meet the investors’ expectations of the company’s sustainable operation and governance as they exert influence on the Company’s operation, governance, and operation strategies. • General Director’s Office
• Annual report / financial statement / monthly revenue report
• Annual Shareholders’ Meeting / aperiodic Legal Person Briefings
Customers Shiny Chemical ensures smooth communication and cooperation with customers in order to create profit and shoulder social and environmental responsibilities. • Customer complaints channels
• Customer Satisfaction Survey
Employees Employees are one of the most important stakeholders of the Company’s operation, and the Company shall take care of them, build healthy labor relations, and create bigger values for the entire corporation. • To hold employee’s welfare and industrial safety meetings regularly
• Regular EWC and industrial safety meetings
• Education and training
• Domestic and international trips
• Employee complaints channel
Supplier Possible direct influences of the management of source materials, equipment, and transport suppliers on the Company’s operation, production, and factory safety, as well as on the Company’s credibility. • Purchasing units
• Principles for suppliers
Communities Monitoring Shiny Chemical’s influence on nearby communities and environment; participation in charitable activities and events for community development. • Environmental surveillance; communication
• Community events and holiday visits
Authorities We comply with government regulations on corporate governance, industrial safety, environment protection, and labor policies and measures. • To follow government regulations on environmental protection and industrial safety
• Promotions, seminars, reviews, audits, etc.


We welcome any questions and feedback, and will respond in a timely fashion.

Contact: Secretariat of the CSR Committee
Tel:+886-7- 861-9171