Respect for Human Rights

(一)Working conditions conform to labor-related laws and regulations.

(二)Gender equality: we provide fair and equal employment opportunities for both genders.

(三)We provide complaint channels for employees in times of rights infringement, unfair punishment, and unreasonable resolutions.

(四)The Human Resource Evaluation Committee is in place to process complaints and major rewards and punishments.

(五)Our “Guidelines for the Prevention, Complaint and Punishment of Sexual Harassment” ensure a harassment-free workplace for our employees.

(六)Labor dispute, corruption, bribery, and discrimination have not been reported since the Company’s founding.

Workforce Structure

Shiny Chemical respects human rights and values equality. Consideration for employment, rewards, and promotions is exempt from race, religion, political preference, age, gender, and marital status.

Labor Relations

(一)Shiny Chemical does not have a union labor organization, yet we hold seasonal labor meetings to enhance labor relations, increase productivity, conduct labor negotiations, discuss issues related to labor rights, and ensure all communication channels between our workers and the Company open.

(二)Our Employee’s Welfare Committee functions independently by law, and regularly appropriates funds to hold a variety of staff events. Funds are allocated for periodic trips, gift money for weddings, funerals, child-giving, birthdays holidays, and club activities. These benefits help our staff engage, interact, and maintain good relations with the Company.

(September, 2015 Taitung Arun One Road walking)

Employee Remuneration

(一)Shiny Chemical emphasizes “humanized management” and profit sharing, providing a competitive payroll structure and employee benefits system for the employment, cultivation, and retention of talents, while maintain our workers’ quality of life.

We also appropriate a fixed amount of our monthly sales income and revenue from the sale of scraps as employee’s benefits for use on the three major Chinese holidays, birthdays, and domestic and foreign trip subsidies.

(二)Leave System

 Our better-than-industry leave system enables employees to maintain a balance between work and family life.

(三)Insurance System

Shiny Chemical by law provides labor and national health insurance to all employees, and also has comprehensive group insurance, including life and casualty insurance, for extra protection.

(四)Retirement System and Current Situations

Retirements arrangements are made based on Labor Standards Act. Monthly retirement pensions are appropriated and deposited into a special account at Central Trust. On September 30, 2005, we revised our employee retirement regulations. Employees covered by the previous Act (employed prior to July 1, 2005) as well as new employees hired after the enactment of the new Act are entitled to the monthly pension appropriation method. The monthly retirement pension shall not be less than 6% of the month salary, and is deposited each employee’s personal retirement account.

Employee's Healthcare

Labor accounts for 50% in our labor meetings, 75% in the Employees’ Welfare Committee, and one third in the Occupational Safety and Health Committee. Such is to ensure our employees’ involvement in discussions on safety, environment,health, and staff benefits. Regular reviews on staff benefits, safety and health are conducted, with proposals and measures from the labor side for future   improvement.

Employee Training and Development

(一)We provide various training and education programs that focus on professional and management training, as well as personal interests. Our diversified learning resources help our employees to enhance their on-job skills and develop their potentials.

(二)We incorporate CSR guidance into training courses during employee orientation. Anti-corruption and anti-bribery are in particular emphasized. Corporate governance issues are addressed in our Principles of Integrity Management and Code of Ethical Conduct, with the purpose of rooting out bribery and corruption in the Company.

(三)Company-wide training hours in 2015 totaled 5,471 hours.

1.Professional training

  Lectures and training practices are organized by department heads to help employees acquire professional knowledge and sharpen skills.


2.Management training

  Systematic learning and development are done through our orientation, management function training, and core competency training, helping employees get ready for future career development.



    Health and culture related seminars and events are held for our employees to self-learn and grow their personal interests.