Name CAS Use Range SDS SPEC
Formalin 14%

50-00-0 Resin of urea and melamine; polyoxymethylene; phenolic resin; ethylene glycol; pentaerythritol; methenamine hippurate; fertilizer; dye; drug (disinfectant; and bactericide); antiseptic perfume; preservative; hardener. SPEC
Formalin 24%

50-00-0 As above. SPEC
Formalin 37%

50-00-0 As above. SDS SPEC
Formalin 44%

50-00-0 As above. SDS SPEC
Domestic Sales

Tel : +886-7-861-9171#211
Fax : +886-7-621-5533

Foreign Sales

Tel : +886-7-861-9171#223
Fax : +886-7-621-5533